Narrative drives my stories and helps me connect the “why” to the audience. It adds context to larger ideas always remains at the forefront of my work and has allowed me to write across genres effortlessly.

Check out some of my published work below:

  • Libertad for Cuba

    “That is why this new wave of activism is so unprecedented: Cuban activists are not giving up. When cellular and internet service was cut off to quell protesters, they did not give up and go home, but instead regrouped and continued the fight.”

  • The "Collective Community" At the New Orleans Jazz Market

    “A performance at the Jazz Market is not just a step into the spotlight for the artist, but also a community experience for everyone present. Strangers become friends and friends strengthen their bonds through belting out their favorite classics while munching on food from the community.”

  • Increase in Youth Suicide Prevention Needed Amid Pandemic

    “To help prevent rates from increasing, students agree that having people around and being able to confide in them is one of the most important ways to help prevent suicide.”

  • Oregon City Has The Last Blockbuster on Earth

    “The Bend Blockbuster has become a tourist attraction, drawing people from all around the world who want to see the last Blockbuster and purchase memorabilia such as t-shirts, magnets, and stickers. The attraction of the Bend location has also inspired locals to rent more movies.”